Glorieta de Quevedo 7 - 2 Izq.
28015 Madrid, Spain
(Hint Hint... I love mail!)

My front door... Built in 1945

My bedroom from the doorway

The corner of my room

My funky light above my bed

Our former sitting area (right when you enter the apartment)

Cool lamp in the foyer
Hallway (my room is the open door on the right)

Zebra paintings in the hallway

Bonsai tree in the corner of the hallway

Our newly created living room (we converted the laundry drying room into a salon)

Other side of our new living room (much decorating is in store)

The kitchen

One bathroom (technically the boy's bathroom)

The washing machine (which is located in the bathroom)
Save Now
The other bathroom (technically the girls' bathroom)
Home sweet home.
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